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Courtenay's Journey - Soaring Beyond Limits With Aerial Fitness

We've got something special to share with you today – a story that's as real as it gets! Meet Courtenay, one of our incredible members from our Christchurch studio. She's taken the time to reflect on her aerial fitness journey and share it with us in her own words...

I started Aerials in September 2023. I’d always been interested (wanted to join Cirque Du Soleil when I was in high school… as a costumer but still counts) and a friend shared details about the FriYAY taster class to social media so I thought “Why not?”. That class was awesome (obviously) and so I signed up!

My first class was challenging but in a good way. There was enough to push me and make me want to keep learning but also enough to help me feel a sense of accomplishment. Also, the energy from the instructors and fellow classmates created an amazingly warm and welcoming experience- so why wouldn’t I want to stick around?

What do I like most about aerials? Everything, haha. No, but seriously, a lot of it is about the community. Everyone is encouraging and super friendly. The support that everyone gives to each other is so cool to see and the excitement when someone achieves a goal they’ve been working on is the best. I also love the challenge - both mental and physical. I get to exercise and build strength while doing something that is different and fun. It also looks really pretty when you get it right!

The energy in the studio lets me get out of my introverted shell and I can feel my body getting stronger as I continue to get to classes! Next step - safe flexibility!!

Some moves are particularly challenging. I have chronic pain and hypermobility so that can cause some challenges too (particularly when keeping things safe from dislocation) but the classes are really good at making sure you progress at your own pace.

Some advice I have for anyone starting out with aerial fitness is to just throw yourself into it! Everyone who is in the studio is either at the same point as you currently or has been at the same point as you in the past and are more than willing to cheer you on.

Courtenay's story is a testament to the transformative power of aerial fitness and the incredible community we have here at Altitude. It's about embracing your unique journey and celebrating your personal growth.

If you'd like to start your own journey at Altitude Aerials. We're here to support you every step of the way 💙

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